Radiography Imaging

Acquisition Mode: Radiography

Multi-angle radiography is a valuable X-ray acquisition technique which allows the operator to examine geological features and internal structures within their core sample without the need to split the liner. Radiography acquisition times are typically a few minutes per metre, even at high resolutions such as <100 µm per pixel.

How can you benefit from radiography?

Radiography datasets provide invaluable fit for purpose data that allows geoscientists to visualise geological features and core quality that may otherwise go unnoticed through visual logging alone.

How it works

Core samples are loaded into the shielded cabinet. In some configurations, the core moves passed the X-rays, while in others, the X-rays move passed the core. Samples (or X-ray apparatus) can be rotated under computer control to examine internal structures at various angles. The flexibility of the source and detector positions allows the user to achieve variable voxel/pixel resolutions: for example, between 30 µm and 350 µm on the XCT.

Radiography Workflow

Geotek X-ray System Workflow

Discover our dedicated workflow to maximise your data output and minimise operation time.

Data Acquisition Software

Geotek’s X-ray acquisition software was specifically developed for geoscience applications and has a friendly graphic user interface. The user may select the X-ray technique they wish to use for the scanning whilst setting up the scan at the start of a project.

Data Processing Software

Geotek provide a dedicated processing software package with all X-ray platforms. Once exported, radiographs can be viewed and processed using the ‘GQuickView software.’ Imaging processing filters can be applied to visually enhance core features and structures making them more distinct and easier to identify. The filters do not alter the raw image data (raw intensity values for each pixel), and can be easily removed if required.

The image processing filters include:

  • Detail Enhancement
  • Virtual Compensator
  • Beam Hardening correction

  • Contrast adjustment (using intensity histogram)
  • Gaussian blur

Radiography Deliverables

Once the user is satisfied with the end result, they may save their processed image as a TIFF file or export to JPEG format. If desired, the user may take their X-ray deliverables to combine these with further MSCL data. The combination of data gives the user a greater understanding of the overall physical, geochemical and structural properties of the core samples.