Geotek Core Logging Services
Uncover the Unexpected and Maximise the Value of Geological Cores
Acquiring geological cores is expensive; but the data locked within these samples determines the outcome of the oil and gas field development, research expedition, wind turbine location, foundation or tunnel design, pipeline and cable routes, or mineral exploration risk. Maximising the data recovered from every metre, centimetre and millimetre of core is therefore imperative in order to balance the cost of acquisition against the reward of development regardless of the industrial purpose.
Geotek’s specialist core logging services team utilises non-destructive MSCL and X-ray CT core logging techniques to maximise the value of geological material for nearly any industry. Our specialist laboratories, located in the UK/Europe, North America, Australia and South America, give our team of geoscientists and engineers a worldwide presence regardless of whether the project is onshore or offshore.