About Us


Geotek’s continued growth over recent years has led to the formation of three group companies with a common strategy and principal activities engaged in the collection and analysis of geological core samples for research and industry.

Geotek Ltd. (UK) specialises in high-resolution, non-destructive analysis of geological cores. We have supplied our range of Multi-Sensor Core Logger (MSCL) systems for over 20 years, using a suite of geophysical and geochemical sensors primarily aimed at non-destructive core analysis. Geotek provides equipment sales and services to science and industry worldwide. A team of talented individuals at Geotek designs and builds instruments whilst offering core analysis services with an unmatched level of expertise and experience.

Sensors available for our logging systems include those developed by Geotek as well as those provided in collaboration with third party manufacturers. This provides MSCL systems that can collect a wide range of multi-parameter data from sediment and rock cores with unparallelled resolution, accuracy and efficiency. Our systems are designed to be flexible and work with core material obtained from hard unlined rock cores to soft unconsolidated sediment cores in plastic liners. We even work with specialist pressure cores containing gas hydrates where the pressure can be retained at in situ conditions of up to 250 bar during the analysis. MSCL systems and services are provided on a sales, rental or consultancy basis around the globe for either onshore or offshore projects. Applications vary from academic users examining the sedimentary record in oceans and lakes for climate research, to industrial applications in the mining, hydrocarbon and offshore geotechnical sectors.

Geotek Coring Ltd. (UK) and Geotek Coring Inc. (USA) companies specialise in providing equipment and services supporting programmes of work both on land and offshore by providing coring tools and core analysis equipment with supporting project services. The coring businesses have a strong track record in participating in national and international projects in areas such as gas hydrates exploration working alongside commercial partners and scientific groups to deliver high quality core samples and core analysis data. Geotek Coring continues to support this and other unconventional resource exploration with its unique mixture of experience, capability and technologies.